Thursday, 5 June 2014

Writing - Adding feeling to our writing

For writing, we are looking at adding feeling to give stronger personal voice. We are learning to "show" the feeling rather than "tell" the feeling.
There are different ways we could show feeling in our writing:
- Simply state it
- Use an action
- Use a description
- Use dialogue.

We watched a video about Verruckt, the worlds highest water slide. We were given the starter sentence and then had to show how we felt using an action, description or dialogue.

Here are a few examples from our class:

We got to the top of Verruckt. I looked down. My heart sank as I started breathing heavily. "I'm not going down". I started to be sick as I looked down again. I didn't believe in myself. "I can't do it," I told myself.



We got to the top of Verruckt. I looked down. The moment I got to the edge of the water slide, I felt like fainting. My heart started pounding really fast. I felt like I was going to spew.



We got to the top of Verruckt. I looked down. My heart was beating. I couldn't breathe. I froze. It looked like it was over the sky. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I hopped on. Woosh! I went off. I was shaking to death. I'm going down. Ahhh! My face went pale.



We got to the top of Verruckt. I looked down. "Awesome, I can't wait," I shouted.



  1. that writing of verrukt was fun

  2. Nice writing children! Also VERY FUNNY!

    From Miss Kriechbaum's class
