Tuesday 15 April 2014

Betty Botter

For homework and reading, we were given the tongue twister, "Betty Botter". Here are a few examples  with some quick times.


  1. Wow! My brain got tired just watching you guys do that. You are far better at tongue twisters than me!

  2. I dont understand how you can do it in 12 seconds, I tried doing it but I failed badly it took me 35 seconds.You completely blew my mind great job on the video :):)
    Miss kriechbaum's class

  3. It sounds so fast. I can't do it because I dont know the words to it. But my friend can do it fast. Jess and Celia- London

  4. Well done guys it was really hard to read, you are better than us at reading tongue twisters!

    members of Miss kriechbaum's class

  5. I really liked how you said it because it was very quick the way you said it.

  6. The first person's tounge twister was very fast! 14 seconds! I could barely understand the words! WELL DONE!

  7. she sells sea shells on the sea shore , the shells that she sells were found on the sea shore ! try this one .

  8. They were amazing this is one of our
    I am melly and smelly and I BOUGHT JELLY IN MY TELLY
